So even as i was typing, I realized the name Practically Heartless sounds like name of a blog that would belong to a cruel, twisted, psycho-serial killer type of person. But I'm not that type of person, well except for Tuesdays, but other than that no. But i chose that name because the one stand out trait of mine that basically helps define who i am, leaves people in shock, make them question what they just heard, and ask me to repeat that i just said ..........
.... I have half of a heart. ........
Let the confused looks, and questions begin
Does the name make more sense now? Now the point of this blog is not to ramble on and on about the trials and triumphs of living with half of heart. Dozens of other people, mainly parents do that for me... though I'm going for my check ups later this week so there will be some of that. The point of this is to share the story of my charmed life, and possibly help me land my own TV show on TLC.
So anyway on with my life. I have a pretty charmed life, two parents who are married, one younger brother who is taller than me, and a dog that is named after a cartoon character and doesn't know how to play with toys. And I'm a daddy's girl, that tends to make life a hell of a lot easier. I'm a sophomore at Kutztown University, where I'm studying Elementary/Special education, work for the housing department at KU and am a sister to the wonderful sorority of Epsilon Sigma Alpha. Damn, that sounds impressive and I'm the one living it!
So anyway welcome to the charmed life that i get to call mine!
*** ps Im annoyed that the tab button doesn't work with this program... that needs to be fixed!***